tslint configuration

You can use this configuration by installing tslint-config-typings (requires [email protected]+)

npm install -D tslint tslint-config-typings
// your tslint.json
  "extends": "tslint-config-typings",
  "rules": {
    // your customization


This style follows the default style if not specified below.

member-ordering (native)

"member-ordering": [false]

  • Follow order in the source package documentation.

no-empty (native)

"no-empty": false

  • When testing the typings, it is quite common to create empty functions.

no-internal-module (native)

"no-internal-module": true

  • There is a lot of typings written with declare module X {. Since TypeScript 1.6 declare namespace X { is preferred.
  • declare module X { could be deprecated in the future.

no-require-imports (native)

"no-require-imports": false

  • typings would need to use import = require() to get definitions written with export = syntax.

no-string-literal (native)

"no-string-literal": true

  • Unlike in the default style, there is no need to support the dynamic use case.

object-literal-sort-keys (native)

"object-literal-sort-keys": false

  • Allow the typings to follow the order as in the source package documentation.


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