
In TypeScript and ES2015, you have three choice for referencing a variable: var, let, and const.

let and const are block-scoped.

var is function-scoped.

// const and let only exist in the blocks they are defined in.
  let a = 1;
  const b = 1;
  var c = 1
console.log(a); // ReferenceError
console.log(b); // ReferenceError
console.log(c); // 1

const keyword

Why? This ensures that you can't reassign your references, which can lead to bugs and difficult to comprehend code.

// bad
var a = 1;
var b = 2;

// good
const a = 1;
const b = 2;

// bad
superPower = new SuperPower();

// good
const superPower = new SuperPower();

Why? It's easier to add new variable declarations this way, and you never have to worry about swapping out a ; for a , or introducing punctuation-only diffs.

// bad
const items = getItems(),
    goSportsTeam = true,
    dragonball = 'z';

// bad
// (compare to above, and try to spot the mistake)
const items = getItems(),
    goSportsTeam = true;
    dragonball = 'z';

// good
const items = getItems();
const goSportsTeam = true;
const dragonball = 'z';
  • 13.3 Group all your consts and then group all your lets.

Why? This is helpful when later on you might need to assign a variable depending on one of the previous assigned variables.

// bad
let i, len, dragonball,
    items = getItems(),
    goSportsTeam = true;

// bad
let i;
const items = getItems();
let dragonball;
const goSportsTeam = true;
let len;

// good
const goSportsTeam = true;
const items = getItems();
let dragonball;
let i;
let length;
  • 13.4 Assign variables where you need them, but place them in a reasonable place.

Why? let and const are block scoped and not function scoped.

// bad - unnecessary function call
function checkName(hasName) {
  const name = getName();

  if (hasName === 'test') {
    return false;

  if (name === 'test') {
    return false;

  return name;

// good
function checkName(hasName) {
  if (hasName === 'test') {
    return false;

  const name = getName();

  if (name === 'test') {
    return false;

  return name;

let keyword

  • If you must reassign references, use let instead of var. eslint: no-var jscs: disallowVar

Why? let is block-scoped rather than function-scoped like var.

// bad
var count = 1;
if (true) {
  count += 1;

// good, use the let.
let count = 1;
if (true) {
  count += 1;

var keyword

Before ES2015, var is the only reference option.

  • Avoid using var in later code because it would lead to unexpected results.
  • Use var if your application needs to be very sensitive on memory consumption. But most of the time this is not an issue

results matching ""

    No results matching ""