
Error objects are thrown when runtime errors occur. The Error object can also be used as a base object for user-defined exceptions.

Naming convention

You should name your error as describing an invalid condition, without adding Error suffix at the end.

// ok
class FileNotFoundError extends Error { ... }

// better
class FileNotFound extends Error { ... }
class PluginDuplicated extends Error { ... }


Having a PascalCased name signifies it is a class. Making it describes an invalid condition is sufficient to tell that we are dealing with an error.

You should not name your error as InvalidSomthing.


The word invalid does not provide any information and is the same as error. Provide a more specific name to describe the condition.

Base Class

You should inherit your error from the one of the error packages:


The standard Error class does not work with instanceof. All of the packages above works correctly.


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