
Don't need much explanation, don't we? 😇.

String Constructor

Should not use String(x) when x supports toString().


In JavaScript, using String(x) over x.toString() has the benefit that it will work with primitive types such as number, null, or undefined.

But in TypeScript, the type of the variable should be clear in the first place.

Using x.toString() is easier (due to code completion), and has the benefit of catching the error boldly, instead of letting it slip through as in JavaScript.

Should use String(x) constructor over type cast (x as string).


Type cast x as string only changes the type of the value at build time, the value does not change in runtime.

const stringObject = String(123)

Should use String(x) over implicit conversion '' + x.


Implicit conversion is harder to read, while the string constructor is perfectly clear about your intent.

String Literal

Template Literals

Tagged Tamplates


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